Women Empowerment Programme

Women Empowerment Programme
“Woman has power to create, Nurture and transform Life” Sevasangama strives to affirm and uphold the dignity of the poor and marginalised women and adolescent girls and helps them to enjoy their rights across Kaluburagiand Bidar districts since 2006 through a program called Women Empowerment.

Goal: Enhanced dignity, quality of life and participation in local self governance for socially and economically backward women through integrated development.

  • Federations emerge as independent self-sustaining institution, safeguarding and promoting sustainable livelihood.
  • Emerged leaders among the women participate, protect, uphold and practice good governance by availing government benefits/ entitlements and mobilizing resources, thereby increasing their social – economic status leading to self reliance .
  • The families in villages Respect, Uphold & Practice Gender Equality by increasing the Confidence Level of 75% of Women who voice out & report atrocities
  • Women take up issues on nutrition, health, sanitation and environment benefiting to the communities.
Sevasangama has organized a Total of 4000 women into 318 self Help Groups in Kaluburagi and Bidar districts of North Karnataka forming 18 cluster levels of federations and two Taluq Federations. Women are motivated to learn, acquire knowledge on legal aid, women’s right, Leadership, SHG and Federation Concept. We have promoted women leadership by capacitating 155 women and raising 12 of them towards the membership of Balavikasa committee, 9 Panchayat members, 12 Anganawadi teachers and 35 ASHA workers. 265 SHGs have availed loans from different banks and supported 394 women to start small scale business and over 1250 women have started other income generation activities. Today women breathe free as they directly involved in the income generating activities. Improved Situations of the women have influenced the Economic resources of the house hold, participation in decision making in money matters and the general welfare of the household.
  • Training Programs like Leadership trainings, Book Keeping, MGNREGA scheme, Gender Equality, Right Based Approach, Income Generating programs, Nutrient garden
  • Celebrations of National Feasts, Vanamahotsava, Seniour citizen’s day, Reporters day, Women’s day etc.
  • Promotion of Harmony and Peace
  • Formation of SHG’s, Mahasanghas, Federations, Savings, Bank loan
  • Availing Government Schemes
  • Street plays
  • Exposure programs for staff and Federations, Exposure visit to KVK for SHG Members
Today Sevasangama has empowered thousands of women in and around Kaluburagi District towards social and economic independence. We witness a pro girl Society where women and girls are educated and leading a good life in the community.

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