Success Stories

Paustik – Story of Mahalaxmi

Name: Mahalaxmi
Father: Saibanna
Mother: Geetha
Date of Birth: 28.6.2013
Weight at the beginning: 10kg
Now : 16k.g
Village: Firojabad

When Sangeetha the staff of Sevasangama visited Anganwadi at Firojabad she spotted Mahalaxi who was very weak and malnourished. She then visited her family and learned about thye poor condition of the family. She counselled her mother and asked her to give the nutritious food which was distributed in the Anganwadi for the children. She also made them aware about the NRC where the child could be rehabilitated. Her mother readily agreed to give the food that was available in the Anganawadi.

Our staff visited regularly to the house and monitored the growth. She was given immunizations and nutritious food. She was taught to be clean, neat and tidy. Slowely the child showed interest in going to the anganwadi herself and developed social skills.Regular intake of milk, egg, peanut, Ragi porridge increased the weight to 16k.g. Thanks to Sevasangama.